American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) codes
Dec Hex Oct Meaning
0 0x00 \000 NUL Null character, Ctrl-@
1 0x01 \001 SOH Start of Header, Ctrl-A
2 0x02 \002 STX Start of Text, Ctrl-B
3 0x03 \003 ETX End of Text, Ctrl-C
4 0x04 \004 EOT End of Transmission, End-of-file, Ctrl-D
5 0x05 \005 ENQ Enquiry, Ctrl-E
6 0x06 \006 ACK Acknowledgment, Ctrl-F
7 0x07 \007 BEL Bell, Ctrl-G, '\a'
8 0x08 \010 BS Backspace, Ctrl-H, '\b'
9 0x09 \011 HT Horizontal Tab, Ctrl-I, '\t'
10 0x0A \012 LF Line Feed, Ctrl-J, '\n'
11 0x0B \013 VT Vertical Tab, Ctrl-K, '\v'
12 0x0C \014 FF Form Feed, Ctrl-L, '\f'
13 0x0D \015 CR Carriage Return, Ctrl-M, '\r'
14 0x0E \016 SO Shift Out, Ctrl-N
15 0x0F \017 SI Shift In, Ctrl-O
16 0x10 \020 DLE Data Link Escape, Ctrl-P
17 0x11 \021 DC1 XON/Device Control 1, Ctrl-Q
18 0x12 \022 DC2 Device Control 2
19 0x13 \023 DC3 XOFF/Device Control 3, Ctrl-S
20 0x14 \024 DC4 Device Control 4
21 0x15 \025 NAK Negative Acknowledgement
22 0x16 \026 SYN Synchronous Idle
23 0x17 \027 ETB End of Transmission Block
24 0x18 \030 CAN Cancel, Ctrl-X
25 0x19 \031 EM End of Medium
26 0x1A \032 SUB Substitute
27 0x1B \033 ESC Escape, Ctrl-[, '\e'
28 0x1C \034 FS File Separator, Ctrl+\
29 0x1D \035 GS Group Separator
30 0x1E \036 RS Record Separator
31 0x1F \037 US Unit Separator
32 0x20 \040 SP Space
33 0x21 \041 ! Exclamation mark
34 0x22 \042 " Double quote
35 0x23 \043 # Number sign, pound, hash
36 0x24 \044 $ Dollar sign
37 0x25 \045 % Percent
38 0x26 \046 & Ampersand
39 0x27 \047 ' Single quote, apostrophe, prime
40 0x28 \050 ( Left/opening parenthesis
41 0x29 \051 ) Right/closing parenthesis
42 0x2A \052 * Asterisk
43 0x2B \053 + Plus
44 0x2C \054 , Comma
45 0x2D \055 - Minus, dash
46 0x2E \056 . Dot, period, full stop
47 0x2F \057 / Forward slash
48 0x30 \060 0
49 0x31 \061 1
50 0x32 \062 2
51 0x33 \063 3
52 0x34 \064 4
53 0x35 \065 5
54 0x36 \066 6
55 0x37 \067 7
56 0x38 \070 8
57 0x39 \071 9
58 0x3A \072 : Colon
59 0x3B \073 ; Semi-colon
60 0x3C \074 < Less than
61 0x3D \075 = Equal sign
62 0x3E \076 > Greater than
63 0x3F \077 ? Question mark
64 0x40 \100 @ At sign
65 0x41 \101 A
66 0x42 \102 B
67 0x43 \103 C
68 0x44 \104 D
69 0x45 \105 E
70 0x46 \106 F
71 0x47 \107 G
72 0x48 \110 H
73 0x49 \111 I
74 0x4A \112 J
75 0x4B \113 K
76 0x4C \114 L
77 0x4D \115 M
78 0x4E \116 N
79 0x4F \117 O
80 0x50 \120 P
81 0x51 \121 Q
82 0x52 \122 R
83 0x53 \123 S
84 0x54 \124 T
85 0x55 \125 U
86 0x56 \126 V
87 0x57 \127 W
88 0x58 \130 X
89 0x59 \131 Y
90 0x5A \132 Z
91 0x5B \133 [ Left/opening bracket, square brackets
92 0x5C \134 \ Back slash
93 0x5D \135 ] Right/closing bracket, square brackets
94 0x5E \136 ^ Caret, circumflex
95 0x5F \137 _ Underscore
96 0x60 \140 ` Grave accent
97 0x61 \141 a
98 0x62 \142 b
99 0x63 \143 c
100 0x64 \144 d
101 0x65 \145 e
102 0x66 \146 f
103 0x67 \147 g
104 0x68 \150 h
105 0x69 \151 i
106 0x6A \152 j
107 0x6B \153 k
108 0x6C \154 l
109 0x6D \155 m
110 0x6E \156 n
111 0x6F \157 o
112 0x70 \160 p
113 0x71 \161 q
114 0x72 \162 r
115 0x73 \163 s
116 0x74 \164 t
117 0x75 \165 u
118 0x76 \166 v
119 0x77 \167 w
120 0x78 \170 x
121 0x79 \171 y
122 0x7A \172 z
123 0x7B \173 { Left/opening brace, curly brackets
124 0x7C \174 | Vertical bar, pipe
125 0x7D \175 } Right/closing brace, curly brackets
126 0x7E \176 ~ Tilde
127 0x7F \177 DEL Delete
(The following are valid in HTML 4 ISO 8859-1 encoding)
160 0xA0 \240 Non-breaking space ( )
161 0xA1 \241 ¡ Inverted exclamation mark
162 0xA2 \242 ¢ Cent sign
163 0xA3 \243 £ Pound sign
164 0xA4 \244 ¤ Currency sign
165 0xA5 \245 ¥ Yen sign
166 0xA6 \246 ¦ Broken vertical bar
167 0xA7 \247 § Section sign (§)
168 0xA8 \250 ¨ Spacing diaeresis, umlaut
169 0xA9 \251 © Copyright sign (©)
170 0xAA \252 ª Feminine ordinal indicator
171 0xAB \253 « Left double angle quotes («)
172 0xAC \254 ¬ Logical NOT sign (¬)
173 0xAD \255 Soft hyphen
174 0xAE \256 ® Registered trade mark sign (®)
175 0xAF \257 ¯ Spacing macron, overline
176 0xB0 \260 ° Degree sign (°)
177 0xB1 \261 ± Plus-or-minus sign (±)
178 0xB2 \262 ² Superscript two, squared (²)
179 0xB3 \263 ³ Superscript three, cubed (³)
180 0xB4 \264 ´ Acute accent, spacing acute
181 0xB5 \265 µ Micro sign (µ)
182 0xB6 \266 ¶ Pilcrow sign, paragraph sign
183 0xB7 \267 · Middle dot, Georgian comma
184 0xB8 \270 ¸ Spacing cedilla
185 0xB9 \271 ¹ Superscript one (¹)
186 0xBA \272 º Masculine ordinal indicator
187 0xBB \273 » Right double angle quotes (»)
188 0xBC \274 ¼ Fraction one quarter (¼)
189 0xBD \275 ½ Fraction one half (½)
190 0xBE \276 ¾ Fraction three quarters (¾)
191 0xBF \277 ¿ Inverted question mark